I have always watched the CrossFit games, and admired the athletes. Always as a spectator never as an athlete. I have never engaged in any sports, and only started dabbling in fitness prior to finding CFK. Over weight, low energy and apprehensive I thought joining a bootcamp program would be safe, there might be others like me, and I wouldn’t have to mix in with “real athletes”. Slowly but surely I met other members, worked out with them, heard other peoples stories and was inspired to keep with it.
I need to be clear, I couldn’t do 10 full sit ups without being out of breath. I was chained to the scale as the only way of monitoring my health. My confidence and self esteem were at a pretty all time low.
1 year later I have thrown the scale away, I monitor my nutrition on how I feel in workouts, how my clothes fit and what will help my body recover. I have goals like a 300lbs deadlift, and being able to do a strict pull up. My confidence and self esteem have grown, not just from gaining strength, and my body functioning so much better but also from all the cheering I get from other members and the coaches.
The members and coaches at CFK is why you will keep coming back. It’s a community of diverse people all fit and/or learning to be fit. They have all changed my life, each one of them and so has the sport.
If you think it’s not for you, or you can’t do it, you are wrong, I am proof. Let us all show you how you can.